by Tim Joseph
Lets file this one under "This Rocks!"
Have you ever been washing your car and noticed a ton of scratches all over it? I hate when that happens. All the polishing and buffing you have to do to get the paint to look nice. I guess if the car sat inside the house somewhere where nothing touched it this wouldn't be a problem. Cars are driven on the road and parked in public lots and as much as we love them, they don't look perfect forever.
Aparently Nissan engineers don't like their cars being scratched either. They've developed a new paint that is more scratch resistant than conventional clearcoats. This helps maintain the showroom look for a longer period of time. On top of that the paint repairs fine scratches by itself. It will have five times less scratches than a vehicle with a conventional clearcoat. The process takes anywhere from one day to one week. Honestly, I won't mind the wait.