Wednesday, February 6, 2013

The Jeep Brand S.A.F.E. Return Fund

The Jeep Brand has created the S.A.F.E. Return Fund from the sale of every 2013 Jeep Wrangler, Wrangler Unlimited and Patriot Freedom Edition vehicle. This $250 per vehicle will be donated to the USO to help support the platform to aid our nation's hero's as they come home.

Also join the TRIBUTE FOR TROOPS by Tweeting "#JOINOSR"

Another way Jeep is inviting you to partner with them in the Operation S.A.F.E. Return platform is by sharing a story, a photo or a message on Twitter of how you've supported the troops at local USO Centers as well as on your block, in your school or at your place of worship. For each unique time the hastag #joinOSR is used, Jeep brand will donate $1 to the S.A.F.E Return Fund+ that will benefit the USO in providing aid to our troops!

The Jeep brand is proud to provide support for our nation's hero's as we welcome them home!

Click Here to visit Operation S.A.F.E. Return!