Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Toys For Tots Event Saturday December 6th!

Dick Scott Automotive Group will be hosting a Toys for Tots toy drive this Saturday, December 6th from 8am to 3pm. Toys For Tots requests that your donation be a NEW, UNWRAPPED toy. Please no stuffed animals as they can no longer be distributed because they can harbor germs. PLEASE NOTE: Toys For Tots is always in need of gifts for 9 to 12 year olds, both boys and girls. Craft or hobby kits, makeup kits, electronics and CD's, are always great choices!

Santa will be at our Dodge location in Plymouth and you can get your holiday picture taken by a professional photographer!

Toys can be dropped off at ANY Dick Scott Automotive Group location between November 3rd and December 17th.

Dick Scott Dodge
684 W Ann Arbor Rd
Plymouth, MI 48170
(734) 451-1212

Dick Scott Nissan
42175 Michigan Avenue
Canton, MI 48188
(734) 495-1000

Dick Scott Motormall
3030 Fowlerville Rd
Fowlerville, MI 48836
(517) 223-3721