The 29th annual Marshmallow Drop will take place on Good Friday, March 29.
event is free and open to the public. In celebration of Easter,
thousands of marshmallows will be dropped from the Easter Bunny's
helicopter. Children are let into the drop area after the helicopter is
out of the way. They can collect as many marshmallows as they would
like, but only one is necessary for an Easter-themed prize. For parents,
it is important that you watch the kids and make sure they do not run
under the helicopter. The blizzard of marshmallows is expected to
include at least 20,000 bunny tail-like, fluffy treats.
There will be two marshmallow drops, one at Elizabeth Park in Trenton and the second at Nankin Mills Park in Westland.
separate drops for children will take place, based on age. Groups
include ages 4 and younger, 5-7, and 8 and older. The event is not
competitive and collectors only need one marshmallow to receive a prize.
After picking up marshmallows, parents and children can move to the
treat area to redeem their marshmallow for a prize. Treat areas are
located on the tennis courts at Elizabeth Park and under the shelter at
Nankin Mills.
Guidelines for the event:
Do not eat the marshmallows
Stay behind the roped area until an announcement is made to enter the drop area
Parents, make sure children do not run under the helicopter
9 a.m. Elizabeth Park in Trenton
4461 Elizabeth Drive
11 a.m. Nankin Mills Park in Westland
33175 Ann Arbor
For more information, call (734) 261-1990.
Wayne County parks event online: