Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Lawmakers Make Final Push To Repeal State Motorcycle Helmet Law

LANSING, Mich. - Motorcyclists in Michigan may be one step closer to legally feeling the wind in their hair as lawmakers are again trying to repeal a state law that requires riders to wear helmets.

The state Senate might take a final vote on the proposal as early as Wednesday. If so, the measure could soon be sent to Gov. Rick Snyder for his consideration.

Snyder has said he only wants to tackle the motorcycle helmet law in the context of broader auto insurance reform. But proposals for more sweeping reforms appear stalled in the Legislature.

The pending helmet proposal would allow riders 21 or older to go without helmets if they meet certain insurance and experience conditions.

The Legislature has passed bills to repeal the state's mandatory motorcycle helmet law previously, but the bills were vetoed twice by then-Gov. Jennifer Granholm.

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